My youngest daughter graduates from high school on Saturday. I can't wait to see her walk across that stage. Getting her to this point has been an uphill struggle. Pass the Kleenex please! I'll be bawling when she goes across that stage!
See, her life hasn't been ordinary. She's had stomach problems since she was a baby. Reflux they call it. At 20 months she had corrective surgery. At 5 she had a "tune-up". Things were good for her for awhile. Then, just before middle school her stomach went haywire. She was an honor roll student but missed so many classes that she was almost not allowed to go to 7th grade.
We did what any parents would do. When we found out the school was applying for a waiver so she could attend we applied to homeschool. Both applications were approved. The homeschool option won out.
And did she love it every minute of it? Well, no. But, she learned. We made sure to keep her around her friends and youth group a lot. Plus, we enrolled her in a great homeschooling group to satisfy her "social learning".
Two years later she was well enough to go back into regular school. It was time for high school and she couldn't wait! Except for a medium length stay at East Tennessee Children's Hosptial she has done well physically. During her homeschooled period we learned a lot about managing her condition and watching triggers. It also helped uncover another health condition which contributed to her stomach issues.
She attacked high school with gusto by signing up for every club she had missed and made the most of her opportunities. When homeschooled she learned that some things are worth extra effort. When she took an anatomy class it threw off her planned schedule. To fit everything in she was allowed to take an e-course on top of the regular courseload. And did I mention that she took two college classes during her high school career?
She worried that she didn't learn enough basics to do well in high school. That wasn't the case.
Saturday, when she walks across the stage she will be going with a class rank of 11. Adorning her cap is the gold tassel of the National Honor Society, decorating her shoulders is a blue academic hood and the cord designating her as a Tennessee Scholar. Her volunteer experience got her nominated for a top award at her school and she qualified as a US President's Service Award recipient.
We're very proud of her. I'm confident she'll do well at her chosen university and can't wait to see her walk across her next stage!
You go girl!
Your future is waiting!
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