Saturday, May 29, 2010

How to get ready for a long family road trip

Getting ready for long family road trip can be daunting. Really, there's no need to worry or stress out over what to bring. Ever summer, many families successfully make trips across the country or farther. Even better, they make it back with their sanity intact.

Here are a few ideas that will help you get ready for a long family road trip.

British Columbia, Canada
Research the trip
A long family road trip goes better if you do some homework first. The internet makes it easier than ever to find attractions along the way. I also ask others who have been there. A friend's copy of the  Alaska Milepost was invaluable to my research. I would never have known about it without asking others as part of my pre-trip research.

Busy bags for kids
Kids of any age may benefit from their own reusable shopping bag. Purchase it ahead of time and let each child (or teenager) decorate it as they wish. This helps get kids of all ages interested in the trip. Provide guidance but ask each child what he or she would like to have in the bag. Adding a few extra items like a journal and snazzy pen is always a fun add to the travel bag.

Carry water
Staying hydrated is important. Taking several bags of water and flavoring packets can be helpful.

Bring snacks
Hungry family members can get grumpy fast. Bring healthy snacks that travel well. Trail mix, some fruit and prepared cracker packs all work well.

Pack bath or beach towels.
Roll them up and use them as pillows or blankets. They can be thrown over a picnic table at rest areas or used to watch summer skies. If they get dirty you can easily wash them at the motel laundromat.

Don't sweat the small stuff.
There are discount retail stores throughout the country. If  you find that you need something you can always pick it up along the way.

Families can also prepare for long family road trips by learning about budget travel. More people are budget conscious than ever. Read more...