Monday, April 18, 2011

My search for economical wedding ideas

Most of you know that my daughter is getting married. The wedding date is still up in the air but that hasn't stopped me from researching blogs and other sites. Naturally, we want her to have a nice economical wedding. There are some great sites on the web! I'm getting lots of ideas.

We have a friend who makes extra money by catering events for family and close friends. She isn't licensed but she does a good job. We will probably use her. That will save us a fortune over the cost of a professional caterer.

Photography is another area that we are considering cutting. With the advent of excellent inexpensive cameras (relatively speaking) we're wondering about the need to have a pro come in. 

Would you believe that you can purchase veils at craft stores? I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw one in one of my favorite craft stores. To me, beadwork is something fun to do so the idea is intriguing. After buying the beads my daughter’s wedding veil may not wind up being inexpensive. But, it will have the advantage of being a handmade gift from mom.

Getting Married the Economical Way has a few other helpful tips on things like cutting back on the reception budget. It's a very general article but I found a few things to be helpful.

I also may borrow some really cool craft ideas from ShelterPop and We've still got lots of decisions ahead of us but I'm loving my search for economical wedding ideas.

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