Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thanks to the person who suggested checking the sensor on the car. I wish I had run a contest. As reported earlier, you were right on the money. I also appreciate the friend who phone to suggest signing up for a Discover credit card. She thought that the 0% APR would help get us out of the pinch.

The problem is that I know myself too well to start another debt. We're trying to reverse that. In fact, I've started a new blog called that talks about what we're doing. A Discover credit card would be counterproductive right now.

I was told once that travel takes time and money or credit.Credit = money.  Traveling is a passion but paying extra bills isn't. That's why looking for deals is important to me. Programs like the Choice Hotels Choice Privileges and Half Off Depot are helping me stretch my budget.

The other day we got a coupon for Long's Drugstore from Half Off Depot without a Discover credit card. We had fun and an inexpensive meal. Hubby and I are in agreement that dining out tastes better when you're aren't worried about paying for it. We feel the same way about travel. Most often I'll use prepaid debit cards or the usual type because it fits us better.

A card is helpful but there are tons of things that you can do without a Discover credit card (or any other type of card). I have a travel article on this blog that may help you.

Although some type of card is needed for travel it pays to be aware of the possible complications. Just as with a car repair bill you can get in trouble with just about any type of credit or debit card. The trick is to plan ahead and think of what you need. Once you do that, a Discover credit card may be right for you. For me, I'll pass and stick with prepaid credit cards and what we have available.

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