Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Our fake champagne punch recipe

All weddings need a good punch recipe. Champagne and other alcohol concoctions are popular but not everyone can drink them. We opted for our fake champagne punch recipe for the wedding of my daughter. Not only is it deceptively easy to create but some people were unable to tell it from the real thing.

I like everything to be easy. Weddings are stressful enough without a recipe that requires lots of mixing or dealing with sherbert or frozen lemonade. This fake champagne is as simple and as tasty as it gets.

1 large white grape juice
1 2-liter bottle of gingerale

Chill unmixed overnight. Pour each bottle into punchbowl. Stir it a couple of times with the ladle and serve. If using an institutional size grape juice, then you will need to add another bottle of ginger ale to the champagne punch recipe.

Nashville Tea is another punch recipe that was suggested. This is a fruit mixture with very little "tea" in it. The mixture is popular in Nashville and other parts of Tennessee. It is something that I would consider for an afternoon tea party but not for the wedding. I ruled it out because it was more complicated, more expensive and didn't work as well for what we wanted.

The fake champagne punch recipe was well received. So much so, that I wrote this article to share my "secret" with everyone who asked about it. Let me know if you try it. Your guests may enjoy it as much as ours did.

Why I bought a wedding punch bowl from eBay

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