Monday, February 18, 2013

Paris, Kentucky CSA historic marker iand points of interest

Paris, Kentucky is a small town with an interesting history. This CSA historical marker in Paris only tells part of the story and other points of interest draw visitors. During the Civil War, Kentucky planned to remain neutral but neither the CSA or Union Forces got the memo. A plea for help from Kentucky leadership put the state solidly under Union control not long after the war began. 

Although I originally came for a wedding, it only seemed right to explore points of interest. After all, Paris is only 20 minutes from Lexington and is in the heart of the famed (and beautiful) Kentucky Bluegrass region.

This CSA historical marker in Paris is one point of interest that captured my attention. On July 18, 1862, the General John Hunt Morgan on 1st Kentucky raid came into town after victory in Cynthiana.

After being warned that Union troops were nearby the CSA escaped. While Confederates held Lexington and two other cities, they occupied Paris, Kentucky for three weeks.

Today, you shouldn't escape from Paris without stopping in the historic downtown area.

If you like farmers markets, then you won't be disappointed. The market in Paris may be small but it has a good assortment of local items. The prices seemed to compare favorably to the markets in my hometown. It's at  720 High Street in downtown. They had some nice artisan type crafts, homemade jellies and preserves.

When you visit Paris, Kentucky, be sure to shop first. Then go to the other side of the building. That's where the Paris-Bourbon County Tourism Office is located. The staff there will set you up with visitor information and answer any questions that you might have. Next to the farmers market, this was one of the nicest stops of the day.

Another point of interest is the stone fences. They go on for miles and some portions may be as old as the State of Kentucky. The fascinating part of this point of interest is that the fences are made entirely of stone. There isn't any mortar to hold them together. Each piece is carefully stacked and supported by smaller pieces or even pebbles. Stone fences like these don't exist in any other part of the country. I was captivated. To me, the fences alone are worth the drive.

The CSA historical marker in Paris and the other attractions add up to an interesting visit. You won't have a problem finding a place to stay. Lodging options include bed and breakfast locations. There is also a Best Western hotel and Lexington is within reasonable reach.

After visiting Paris it was time to turn the car south toward the Amish Shop in Berea, Kentucky.

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