Saturday, August 15, 2015

Northern Rockies sign, 3,004 miles from home

The Northern Rockies Regional Municipality was 3,004 miles from home. Getting there was an experience, but being there was even better. Hubby and I exchanged high fives when we got to this Northern Rockies. This British Columbia landmark meant that we were about one-third of the way to our destination.

Fort Nelson, BC was ahead of us at Mile 300, Summit Lake and Stone Mountain would be seen at Mile 373 and Mile 392 respectively. Wildlife and breathtaking scenery you see in these photos marked this section of our Alaska Highway road trip. (Click on the Northern Rockies sign to see wildlife photos.) Some of the wildlife that we saw on this leg of the trip included bisonmoose, sheep and birds of prey.

I'm convinced that if we had hiking gear, that we could have seen many more animals.I had hiking poles but no boots or time. We had to get to the mission site. So, we contentedly snapped away with our camera instead of hiking the Summit Peak trail this time. Maybe next time?

I'm going to cover wildlife more in-depth later, but thought you would enjoy these pictures.

Isn't this baby and mama cute? They were part of a herd that wanted to take up roadway space. None of the cars honked to move them along as some did with other wildlife encounters. It was a neat moment.

Wood bison love the Rockies. We've seen them in Yellowstone National Park, all along the Alaska Highway and in other places. They still never fail to impress.

Summit Peak trail has a reputation for a rugged nature, wildlife viewing and amazing views. The trail head is in the photograph that you see below.

This is the first time that I've seen a porcupine in the wild. Glad that we had the camera ready! He scooted away about the time that we saw him. We only saw a couple of other porcupine in the Rockies and Alaska.

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