Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Anniversary to Us!

Happy anniversary Hubby!

Hubby and I are joyfully celebrating our 21st anniversary today. We got married after a 2 year engagement. I was 20 at the time. Hubby was almost 2 years older. Of course, we thought we knew a lot and strove to make everything else work.

For the record, marriage is work. But it is worth the effort!

Positive role models were few while we were growing up. Both of us came from broken homes. My parents divorced when I was 5. Hubby's parents also split while he was in grammar school. I never saw friends parents have a happy anniversary either. This has partially fueled the fires to help us give our children better than we received.

Our strong faith in God has been the foundation of our marriage. He has given us love for each other, compassion and understanding. From time to time we've had the benefit of counseling. (Hey, both kids have special needs plus I am a sexual assault survivor! Who wouldn't need counseling? :0)

But through it all, God was there to glue us together.

I can't wait to see what the next 21 years brings!

Happy anniversary Hubby!

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