Thursday, May 12, 2011

Memories of my trip to Boise, Idaho

A few years ago my family took a trip to Boise, Idaho from our home in Tennessee. Wonderful friends of ours had moved there and we wanted to see them. I was impressed with the beauty of the state. We had to jaunt across the state line when we saw how close we were to Oregon. It didn't top seeing our friends but it was a fun add-on to the trip.

There are two things that I remember the most about traveling to Idaho. One is the large number of outdoor recreation activities that Boise and the rest of the state had to offer. This entire area has to be the dream come true of any outdoor enthusiast.

My kids on the Oregon Trail
The Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge near Lake Lowell was started by Teddy Roosevelt. Over 200 species of birds make their homes in this refuge. Boating is permitted from mid-April through September. The rest of the year the refuge is an important breeding habitat and is protected from people.

If you're looking for great fishing opportunities and want to see large birds of prey in action the Snake River is the place for you. The area remains pristine and remote. 

Elk, moose and white deer frequent the Snake River. If you are traveling to Idaho you probably won't want to miss it.

The other thing that I remember most is the deep rich history of the area. It's almost enough to make me resettle there. Even though I'd have to find a home inspector. Nampa has a lot to offer.

The following are just a few of the interesting things that the area has to offer.

Did you know that you can still see the wagon ruts left by settlers who used the Oregon Trail? Until I traveled to Idaho I didn't know about that. Standing where these early pioneers traversed the state was pretty cool.

Native American history is another intriguing part of Idaho life. Then of course, there is the part that the state played in the American Gold Rush. Sites found by the Lewis and Clark expedition also add interest.

We thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Boise. The entire area is one that I definitely hope to visit again. Once you visit you'll be hooked too.

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