Thursday, May 05, 2011

Use a taxi to go from the Megabus stop to the Knoxville airport

One of our blog readers asks if there is a way to easily get from Knoxville bus station to the airport. Since the question was asked on one of my Megabus articles, my best guess is that the reader is asking about the Megabus stop instead of the Greyhound Bus Terminal. (If this is wrong please email me or post and I'll do my best to muddy up the waters a little more.)

Actually, the answer for either stop is a "no". Right now, there isn't a good way to get to the airport from the bus stop. We can only hope that this will change in the future. A taxi or friend is the only way to get from either bus station to the Knoxville airport.

Megabus stops at the Knoxville Area Transit Center on Church Ave in Knoxville. The Greyhound Bus Station is on Magnolia Ave. This map confirms that either stop is about 20 minutes from the airport. From what I can find out it doesn't look like Knoxville Transit is an option either.

A list of taxi companies appears on the website for the City of Knoxville. I've posted a link to the printable section so you can print it out and bring it with you for easy reference. Each company on the list is inspected and regulated by the police department to ensure compliance with area ordinances and laws.

We can hope that this will change as Megabus becomes more popular. Right now, a taxi is the best bet to get from the bus station to the Knoxville airport.

Many to thanks he reader who asked this question. :-)

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