Thursday, July 28, 2011

Everyone needs travel insurance for a cruise or vacation

Everyone needs travel insurance for cruises and upscale vacations. I am always surprised when people ask me about it. I was asked again today if this is really necessary. It may be okay not to have travel insurance for that road trip to see Grandma in the next state. Larger trips pretty much demand the coverage.

Let's say that your family vacation to Walt Disney World all arranged. The flights are booked, tickets are purchased and the extended stay hotel is reserved. Then, the night before you leave your child comes down with the flu. The choice is to either cancel the vacation or go and have a miserable time.

With travel insurance you may be reimbursed for these or for other expenses. I think that everyone needs it for cruises and upscale vacations. Hopefully the policy will never have to be used. Knowing that some of your investment is recoverable if something goes wrong can bring peace of mind.

Purchases made with a credit card may automatically be covered. Automobile clubs sometimes have travel insurance that comes with the membership. I found this out when my timing belt snapped on vacation. One minute we were zipping up the interstate and the next minute our plans came to a screeching halt.

I was relieved to have the travel insurance. It came with my AAA membership so there was nothing extra to buy. Getting reimbursed for the unexpected food and lodging was a big help once we got back home.

Most of the time cruises and travel plans go off perfectly. You go, have a great time and then come home. But sometimes a problem happens. Policies can vary in the coverage they offer. When booking a cruise or expensive vacation it is always a good idea to talk with your travel agent about insurance.

Want to know more about why I think it is so important? Read about My experience with travel insurance.

1 comment:

  1. Travel insurance is very important for those high-ticket trips. I'm glad it is supplied by a number of sources so that travelers can have this peace-of-mind coverage at no or small cost. rcj
