Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Choosing a sign company that meets your needs

Whether you live in Johnson City, Tennessee or elsewhere your business needs the best signage possible. The first contact a customer has with the business may be a banner, poster or magnetic sign. Choosing the right sign company is the first step in creating a positive image.

These are few things to think about when buying banners or signs. Johnson City businesses deserve the best. This article will help you choose the sign shop.

Turnaround time is always a consideration. Orders should be ready in a timely fashion. Banners and other work done on a deadline may need to be expedited. It can be helpful to choose a sign company that provides overnight or two day service.

Accuracy is another factor to consider. Perusing samples before placing an order says a lot about the commitment behind the sign company. A banner or flier with typographical errors or poor grammar reflects badly on your business.

While looking at the samples be sure to pay attention to the graphics. The prettiest fonts are not always the easiest to read on a banner. When choosing a sign company look for clean lines and easy readability on graphics designed by the shop that you are considering. Snappy logos bring business to your door. Banners should be easily read at a distance.

Neatness counts. Be aware of choosing a banner or sign company that has sloppy samples. Anyone can make an error now and then. Walk away if you see uneven lettering on banners or smears in the sample work. If banners or fliers for another business are untidy you can bet that work done for your business will be too.

Is the sign company local or online? Sometimes local shops will go the extra mile when a big box or online shop can't (or won't). Choosing a locally owned sign company can make a difference in customer service. Online companies may not process work themselves but send banners or printing out to other companies and ship it to you.

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