Friday, May 25, 2012

Megabus summer travel tips

Megabus is quickly becoming an attractive choice for summer budget travelers. Fares can be as low as $1.00 and perks like WI-FI make traveling even more enticing. So, how do you make the most of your road trip? These tips for Megabus summer travel will help you get started.

This is a bus line not a cruise line or tour company. Packing lightly makes sense but on a summer Megabus trip it can be even more important. No one wants to lug a heavy backpack and deal with a bulkly suitcase in 100 degree weather. Try to put all of your belongings into one pack or a pack and small bag.

More tips are after the jump.
My big Megabus summer travel tip is to always dress in layers. It can be cool in the morning and sweltering by mid-afternoon. Dressing in layers is a Megabus summer travel tip that helps all year. Extra clothing can be used as a pillow or stuffed into a backpack.
Plan your Megabus summer travel experience as far in advance as possible and book tickets then. The longer you wait to travel, the more the fare will increase. The $1.00 seats sell out quickly.

Don't let the lines get you down but do arrive early to claim your spot. I try to get there 30 minutes before the scheduled departure. Pass the time away with a book, by talking with a friend or listening to music.

The heat can zap you pretty quickly so be sure to stay hydrated. A salty snack can also help ward off dehydration. Bring extra water (or a sports drink) and a snack. 

Another Megabus summer travel tip is to keep your cool and don't book connections. The bus is subject to the same traffic patters and delays as any other vehicle. This means that you may get stuck in traffic. Buses can also break down and you may have to wait for a replacement. Allow plenty of time between transfers so you don't have to worry about delays.

Keep your budget trip from becoming someone else's gold mine. Stay focused when loading or unloading bags. Appearing disorganized can make you a target for pickpockets. No matter how nice the person is next to you, don't leave your valuables unguarded.

Oh, and one more thing....

WiFi and electrical outlets may not work if a Megabus has to stop for an extended period. Always plan
to bring a book or other activity that doesn't require electricity. This is also where the Megabus summer travel tip of an extra bottle of water or snack can be important.

How to get to Disney from Megabus in Orlando

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