Sunday, September 09, 2012

My Nikon D90 DSLR camera- A Love Story

Hubby has been dying to write a product review of his camera. So, here it is...

When the Nikon D90 came out, I could hardly wait to get my hands on it.  I've been an avid amateur photographer for twenty-five years. My long-suffering wife, and your regular host, would probably say "rabid" photographer after all the times she's waited for me as I went after "Just one more shot, honey."

Water photo taken with a Nikon D90 SLR
About two years ago, I purchased a Nikon D90 DSLR.  This was a long-awaited upgrade of my camera equipment and a decision that I researched very carefully.  I can honestly say that I love this camera more today than when I bought it.  The lenses are sharp. and the camera is very responsive.  I'm able to focus more on the subject, secure in the knowledge that the camera is capable of taking care of business.

The biggest difference between this camera and other digital cameras I've used is that the Nikon DSLR is centered around capturing the image.  This may seem obvious, but the difference is noticeable in many small ways.  My D90 is ready to shoot within a second of being switched on.  I can reach into the camera bag, flick the camera on, bring it to my eye and be capturing images in one smooth motion.

If you've ever missed a shot because your camera is booting up then you know the frustration that causes.  Also, when the camera is shooting, the images are stored in temporary memory until you finish capturing.  Then the images are processed and stored to the memory card on the Nikon D90.  The primary task of the camera is capturing the image when you press the shutter release.  This is a welcome change from other cameras that make the photographer wait while taking care of "housekeeping."

In the Nikon family of DSLRs, the differences in the amateur and professional level cameras are found primarily in the amount of direct control of the image-capturing process given to the photographer.  There are other important differences in image processing and build quality and materials, but for my purposes, the biggest difference is in how many buttons and controls are on the camera body. The greater number of controls allows the photographer to make quick changes to the settings without digging through multiple levels of menus.

However, it's worth remembering the most basic Nikon DSLR is a very, very capable picture taking machine.  The power and quality of both cameras and lenses have made tremendous strides in recent years.

In conclusion, I would heartily recommend a Nikon DSLR to someone wanting to improve their photography.

by guest blogger John Crabtree

Related post:
How to pick out the best pocket digital camera for your needs

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