Monday, August 24, 2015

Cameras we used on the Alaska trip are...

The question of what camera I used on the Alaska trip was posted on my article Was van camping to Alaska worth it? My answer is that three different cameras were used. The decisions were based on the setting, type of photo that I wanted and what I could put my hands on first. If the cell phone is the only camera within reach, that's the one you use.

Fujifilm camera and batteries
The cameras that we took included

Fujifilm FinePix S8200
Nikon D90
Bloggie Duo

What was the quick comparison?

My trusty Fujifilm FinePix S8200 has less sensitivity than Hubby's Nikon D90. The wide angle, superzoom lens takes shots from macro to telephoto. It won't touch the crispness of the Nikon D90, but I don't have to carry other lenses. When sharpness counted we used Hubby's camera. My smart phone had advantage of being a quick grab but the photos are only good for computer viewing.

My Bloggie Duo was used sparingly. Nothing against the equipment. It handles nicely. I like the video and the crisp pictures. It's easy to charge, compact and was good to have in the backpack. All good things.

However, my FinePix was kept readily available because of the superzoom lens. (You can see some of the photos in my post on the Northern Rockies.) Hubby's Nikon D90 came next, and our smart phones next, the Bloggie brought up the rear.

Did this answer your question? Feel free to leave your questions about the trip, equipment or blog in the comment section below.

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