Monday, August 24, 2015

The Old Log Church in Whitehorse, Yukon

The Old Log Church in Whitehorse, Yukon. Hubby has served at churches of this era that were heated only by a wood stove until later in the century. Can you imagine how worship at the Old Log Church must have been? Winters in Whitehorse, Yukon are much colder than in Tennessee. Attending services here in early 1900s is a testimony to the missionaries of this Anglican church and to the spirit of the Yukon settlers.
Gayle at Old Log Church, Whitehorse
Old Log Church, Whitehorse, Yukon
The Old Log Church Museum is closed on Sunday. A nominal admission fee supports the museum. We arrived during the off-hours but the grounds were open. A large sign tells the story of Bishop Isaac Stringer, also known as the Bishop who ate his boots. While in the snow in the Yukon wilderness, the bishop was forced to eat his last resource - his shoes!

Located in downtown Whitehorse. Metered street parking is only steps away from the Old Log Church. Distance from home is 3,692.


  1. I would love to visit that old church. He had to eat his boots? I've heard of that happening before. That's desperation!

    1. Truly. I'm not sure that would have crossed my mind. It says something about his resourcefulness too.

    2. Truly. I'm not sure that would have crossed my mind. It certainly says something of his resourcefulness. No wonder he was such a successful missionary.
