Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Being Frugal Means Never Pay Retail Again and...

Being frugal means never pay retail again and so much more. We've been putting frugality into practice these past few weeks. Not only is this helping to stretch our budget but we're having fun in the process.

Last night, we visited Wal-Mart. Instead of piling our buggy high with things we didn't need we earnestly compared prices. A few nights ago we went to the new ALDI in Knoxville. At that moment, the prices didn't seem to be as good as they do now.

But being frugal does not mean being cheap. There is a difference. I like to have a night out at a movie once-in-awhile. There are ways to do this frugally too. Instead of going when the movie first comes out I can wait longer to go to a $1 theater.

A local church is offering a free movie night. Yes, the movie is older but I get to be out and I get to enjoy seeing friends. Not only is it frugal but it's a lot of fun!

If we have to eat out I post a review of the restaurant on Associated Content. This helps pay for the meal and I'm gaining a following. This isn't just being frugal it's also helping me make a few dollars.

In 3 months I'll be off to Alaska with my daughter in tow. Instead of having to pay retail I am looking on eBay for the items we will need. Do this saved me over $150 on the tent we are going to buy. Sleeping in the tent is much more frugal than staying in a motel. The tent will pay for itself by saving us several hundred dollars.

Being frugal is also helping me pay off debt. In a couple of more weeks we'll say goodbye to our last credit card.

Being frugal can be fun. It's nice to hear the change piling up in the piggy bank. It's also nice to never pay retail again.

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