Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Riding Megabus overnight this weekend

This weekend will be my first overnight trip on Megabus. Look for me to be tweeting on the way to the destination! This bus line is always an interesting one to be on. The Wi-Fi is helpful and the electrical outlets are great. Other trips have been fun. There's little doubt that I'll have a good time on my first Megabus overnight run. Photos will be posted on RedGage.

I appreciate the suggestions on what to bring (and what to leave at home). My daughter has ridden overnight on Megabus several times but this is my first experience. It is always helpful to have input from friends and readers. Does the list look complete to you? Is there anything else that needs to stay at home or hit the road with me?

So far the list of what to bring includes:
Bottled water and a snack
Small flashlight
A blanket that fits into a backpack
Usual trip necessities

What not to bring on an overnight Megabus trip includes:
Anything noisy
Anything with a bright light
Large blanket and pillow (People really do that?)

Several people have cautioned me to turn the cell phone ringer down. Wearing comfortable clothes but not pajamas was suggested. It was also stressed that I leave the pink bunny slippers at home. I'm tempted to use them anyway. I have plenty of travel tips for summer but not for overnight. Suggestions are always welcome. What do you think above overnight on Megabus?

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