Friday, January 30, 2009

Ice Closes Berea College Campus

January 2009 - Jacksboro, TN We are back safe and sound from picking up Allie. The big bad ice storm in Kentucky forced the campus of Berea College to close. Students had until 5:00 pm on Wednesday to be off campus. They did have a very tiny amount of housing available for the few students with no place to go. For the most part, the closure sent a flurry of text messages as students checked on one another and made quick plans to leave.

The scenery was breathtaking. But, I know from past experience how deadly ice storms can be. We were stuck in the NC storm a few years ago. Some friends of ours did not get electricity reinstated until two weeks after the storm. When you are in a rural area you get electricity when they get it to you and you are thankful for it.

Here is one photo of the trees bent over from the weight of the ice and snow. More are posted on Associated Content.

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