Friday, May 29, 2009

Reclaimed Strip Mine Jellico Indian Mountain State Park

Mountaintop removal is a dirty word. In Tennessee, we lose more than just mountains when the tops are removed for mining or other purposes. I've read where the land never fully heals from the environmental impact.

My family visited Indian Mountain State Park in Jellico, Tennessee the other day. It was peaceful and quiet. Birds flew overhead. Squirrels played amonst the trees in the picnic area. It was just what you would want for a quick getaway. You can imagine my surprise then when I found out that the park sits entirely on reclaimed strip mine land.

Now, please hear me. This is not enough to make me support mountaintop removal. However; it is enough to give me a hope. Maybe, just maybe, we can reclaim more of the beauty that we lose.

If you have the chance to visit Indian Mountain State Park do so. It is about an hour outside of Knoxville, Tennessee. You'll emerge relaxed and renewed.

You can read more about the park by visiting here or one of the resources listed below.
Tennessee State Parks
Visit Campbell County, TN

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