Saturday, June 20, 2009

Made it to Anchorage Airport With 30 Minutes to Spare!

We made it! Allie and I are standing in the Anchorage airport. The team's plane is due in about half an hour. A flood of relief washes over me as I type.

Here are the posts I created offline to post when we found WI-FI. In a minute I'll post about today.


The following is a cut and paste.

Friday, June 17

We are someplace in Canada. I’m writing this entry to cut and paste to the blog later. Hopefully, we can find a campground with WIFI to upload from. We’ll spend a few hours there and travel on. Allie and I have decided to not stop for a full night of rest. Instead, we’ll stop a few hours at a campground or sleep in the car.

This is the only way we can meet up with the team in time. Our cell phone doesn’t work in Canada. We’ve not found a prepay that will work yet either. Skype was our backup plan but internet is very spotty. There may be no way for us to reach the team if we are late.

People are praying for us. We will make it in safely.

June 17, 2009

We arrived at camp around midnight our time. Hopefully, we’ll be back on the road in a few hours. Allie and I just realized without a cell tower signal our phones won’t function as an alarm clock. Not nice.

June 18, 2009

We left camp about 6 am our time. Tonight, we’ll sleep in the car. Hopefully, in Alaska.

Saturday, June 19

We drove until 1:00 am our time have stopped at a rest area. The sun is shining. Allie and I are still short of the Canada/US border. We have to be in Anchorage at 6:44. Cross your fingers.

Saturday, 20

Back on the road at 3:17 am. I am not sure if we will make it to Anchorage. It will depend entirely on road construction and condition. We’re hoping! The rest of the team arrives at 6:44. Since they are relying on us for transport of people from the airport we have to be there.

Keep praying! I’ll get this posted asap.

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