Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mariott Hotel in Stamford Calls Victim "Careless"

You have got to be kidding me. A mom is sexually assaulted at gunpoint in front of her 2 children. The little tykes are age 3 and 5. The bad man pleads guilty and receives 20 years.

A few months later the mom seeks retribution from the motel for failure to provide security. Instead of paying up and shutting up (which would have caused the Mariott Hotel in Stamford, Connectict less PR damage) the motel does the unthinkable. The attorneys blame the victim by claiming that she was "careless".

The message from the Mariott Hotel in Stamford, Connect serves as a warning for us all. We should all exercise due digilence. After all, now that we know how the Mariott Hotel in Stamford, Connecticut treats their guests how many of us will be "careless" enough to stay there?

For more information:

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