Thursday, August 06, 2009

Sign the Petition to Save Three Rivers Cornmeal

As you know from a previous blog entry, Three Rivers Cornmeal has gone the way of the dinosaur. The company was purchased by JM Smuckers and subsequently shut down. Along with the closure went 75 years of southern tradition.

The company said that Three Rivers Cornmeal was no longer profitable. They quietly pulled the company off of life support in spring of 2009.

The problem with this is that Three Rivers Cornmeal has a small but loyal following. Now, customers are taking matters into their own hands (or trying to) by asking others to sign a petition. It may not resurrect the best corn meal that there was but enough signatures will at least send a message to JM Smuckers that their customers will not quietly accept a substitution.

An old adage dictates that "the customer is always right". Let's put that saying to the test. Sign the Three Rivers Cornmeal Petition and let's see if the company is listening.

You'll find the petition online here and at the sidebar of this blog.

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