Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How to Maximize Your Black Friday Shopping Experience

Looking for tips to help you maximize your Black Friday shopping experience? Here are some ideas and tips to get you started.

How to Maximize Your Black Friday Shopping Experience Tip #1
Decide what you want or need, make a list and set a budget. You will be less likely to be swayed by the excitement of the shopping moment.

How to Maximize Your Black Friday Shopping Experience Tip #2
Scour ads for the best deals. Check online and in your local newspaper for Black Friday specials. At some retailers you may find better prices by shopping online than inside the store. Look at the websites of your favorite stores or at sites like

How to Maximize Your Black Friday Shopping Experience Tip #3
Get there early. The best deals can be gone within minutes after the store opens. Be prepared to stand in line and dress for the weather.

How to Maximize Your Black Friday Shopping Experience Tip #4
Shop with a friend. Not only is it more fun but you may need the extra set of hands.

How to Maximize Your Black Friday Shopping Experience Tip #5
Bring snacks. The early hour shopping experience can mean that you'll be ready for breakfast before the restaurants open.

How to Maximize Your Black Friday Shopping Experience Tip #6
Be patient. Everything takes longer on the day after Thanksgiving. This is as true for picking out your items and check out as it is for the restroom.

How to Maximize Your Black Friday Shopping Experience Tip #7
Be prepared to walk away empty handed. The store may run short of the item you want or shoppers may become impatient.

How to Maximize Your Black Friday Shopping Experience Tip #8
Keep your cool. No matter how much you want a particular item nothing is worse arguing or fighting over. If you start to lose your temper, or if you see other shoppers becoming angry or agitated, it's time to shop elsewhere for the day or go home.

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