Friday, January 15, 2010

Kiffin Disloyal on Clinton Bank Sign

Yes, I know this blog is supposed to be about restaurant reviews and product reviews. It's also about happenings around the area. There's been no bigger happening around here lately than the Turncoat Lame Kiffin beating a hasty retreat back to USC in sunny southern California.

Apparently life for former UT Vols coach Lane Kiffin is not always a bed of roses. A friend of mine who lives near USC assured me that they are not happy either. Apparently for at least some USC football fans the record Lane Kiffin has speaks for itself. After you make fans mad on both sides of the country where do you go to coach? I don't know why I'm wondering that. Given this guy's record of holding down a job we'll no doubt find out the answer soon enough. (But that's another blog article.)

The reason I'm writing this post is to tell you of the sign on this Clinton bank. If you want to look for it take the Clinton exit 122 off of I-75. Turn toward Oak Ridge and go past the Wal-Mart. The bank is about 3/4 of a mile down on the left. You can't miss it.
The sign makes me want to go in and open an account. How about you?

My other commentary on the Lame Kiffin issue is on Associated Content. After filing the article a friend told  me it was the best thing she ever read. Click here to decide for yourself.

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