Friday, January 08, 2010

Things to do When It's Too Cold To Play Outside

For many kids it's just too cold to play outside. Different parts of the country have different ideas of how cold is too cold. With record low temperatures across the country have many kids saying "I'm bored". This list has answers for kids who are looking for things to do when it's too cold to play outside.

Things to do When It's Too Cold To Play Outside Idea #1
Make paper snowflakes.
Making paper snowflakes is the perfect cold weather activity. It takes a minimum amount of supplies and can keep kids entertained for an afternoon. Glue the snowflakes to dark paper for an interesting effect.

Things to do When It's Too Cold To Play Outside Idea #2
Spend time together in the kitchen.
Make cookies, fix hot chocolate or just make lunch. Spending quality time together makes anything more fun.

Things to do When It's Too Cold To Play Outside Idea #3
Go to a movie.
If the roads are in good shape why not go to a movie? Picking a matinée will not only be cheaper but you'll be less likely to get stuck if it snows while you are inside.

Things to do When It's Too Cold To Play Outside #4
Clean your home.
Put that energy to use. Usually the mere suggestion of cleaning house is enough to motivate the most bored kids to find something to do.

Things to do When It's Too Cold To Play Outside #5
Play games.
Drag those board games out of the closet. What's a better way to spend and afternoon than by playing a good game of Pictionary or Scrabble? Now may be the perfect time to have fun and enjoy the kids.

Got other ideas? Leave them for others in the comments section below.

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