Thursday, January 06, 2011

ArtU! Brings performing arts to underserved youth

If you’ve read my personal blog then you know how I feel about giving back to the community. To me, few things are more important than making a positive impact in your own backyard.

Sing for Hope is an organization that does just that. Their slogan is “arts activism in action”. They have a unique youth outreach program.

With Art U! world class artists share talents with underserved youth. Classes are also provided by resident artists. These teachers reach students who might not be exposed to the arts otherwise. It is important work.

Can you imagine what it’s like to expose students to the arts in a meaningful way? I can.  

A recital cake. All kids deserve this chance.
The arts program in my daughter’s rural North Carolina program could have used such a boost. In this impoverished rural community the band director learned how to pull rabbits out of hats. Fewer than 25 students were in the band. Lack of funds, necessitated using school instruments that should have been retired years before we got there.

Most of the school's graduates did not go on to college. This wasn’t true of those in the band. Through the self-discipline learned through music, and the inspiration of the band director, most went on to college and became leaders.  

This is the power of a quality youth outreach program.

For 50 years ArtU! has done this and more for students in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan and Southern Westchester, NY.  If  you are looking for a program to support their youth outreach program may be your answer.

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