Saturday, March 12, 2011

A few helpful wedding blogs

Here are links to a few helpful wedding blogs. I'm so glad to find these. Everything that I can find is helping me to plan my daughter's big day. Some help me decide what to do and others help me decide what not to do. Then, all my daughter has to do is veto or approve.

This one was suggested to me by a friend. Notice how great the bride's make up looks? I know ours will look just as good. When it comes to budget wedding tips this blog is full of good ideas.

The Knot
This was suggested to me by a cousin. Some of the budget ideas on this blog sound almost too good to be true. I adore the article Wedding Budget: 30 Ways to Save on Your Wedding! Some of the tips are common sense (buy flowers in season). Most of the rest are new ideas to me.

Budget Savvy Bride
If  you're looking for fabulous DIY ideas this blog is it. It's not a salesy site like The Knot. This is a very helpful wedding blog! The projects are made by a real bride and it's fun to see how everything turned out. It makes me want to run out and buy a print gocco for my daughter's wedding programs.

This is a helpful wedding blog for everything you don't want an event to be. These side splitting photos and  videos will make you laugh hysterically. The poor brides!


  1. I would like to recommend another great wedding blog. It is called The Sweetest Plum at

  2. This is a wonderful blog! I've bookmarked it to add to my arsenal.
