Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Decorating inspiration and homes of friends

Living in the South, I get a lot of my home decorating ideas from friends and family. I also get ideas from books, magazines and the internet. My family lives in an average home so we don't have the decorating challenges that some families are faced with.

Friends of ours bought an older home in a questionable section of town. It turns out that the neighborhood was going through a resurgence. They had a lot of fun redoing the home to make it exactly what they wanted.

You can't help but be impressed as you step into the front door. It opens into a room that many families would envy. Behind it is a slightly smaller dining area. The bedrooms and bathroom are off to the side.

The home has served them well during the years. It was durable enough to raise a rambunctious son and equally active daughter.

My friend also liked to tell us that the house was built when a 2x4 really measured 2x4. That's been awhile. That alone tells you that the home isn't new. Watching them decided how to design the interior was fun.

Another friend of ours owns a former plantation house. She decided to almost exclusively furnish her home in antiques and added a few depression era pieces. The interior fit perfectly with the civil war era home. She fit everything together with style and ease. Her home is truly beautiful.

It turns out that almost any space or interior can be redesigned. Old warehouses and historic buildings are common in the south. If you are looking for ideas for Brownstone interiors NY is the place to be.

Despite having family in New York I never caught quite grasped the decorating bug. All of their homes are perfectly done. Designing the interior of any of these would have been over my head. For me, it's a good thing that consultants, the internet and magazines are available. I really need them.

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