Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Inexpensive lights can add interest to a wedding

Lighting for the wedding is one of the things we are trying to figure out for my daughter. When a family friend was recently married she took a pretty and inexpensive approach.

In this case the bridesmaids helped our friend wrap clear Christmas lights in white tulle. The combination was carefully draped on each church pew. Bows made from the tulle were attached onto each pew right above the lights. It not only added lighting for the wedding but helped draw attention to the wedding party as they made their way down the aisle.

The problem is that my daughter wants something unusual for her wedding. Since she's going to have an evening wedding I have the freedom to use a lot of lights. (So far, this is the only thing we've agreed upon.)

Right now, she is leaning toward an outdoor dance floor. To provide lighting for the wedding we're probably going to use outdoor string lights above the dance floor.

Wedding Cake Table
I think a little more lighting would have helped our friend's wedding. We also want to use wedding lights to add some pizazz to the fellowship hall. For that we're looking at white icicle or Christmas lights and wrapping them in the white tulle. 

These lights will be placed strategically around the hall and we'll try to create a curtain of lights as a backdrop behind the cake table. 

If all goes according to plan the effect should be stunning.

We'll also need some type of lighting on the wedding tables. Candles are a traditional choice but they are also a fire hazard. Instead of taking the risk, I'm thinking of using strings of clear led lights inside clear glass jars. The jars would be varied in size and placed on the table instead of candles.

We've got a more difficult decision when it comes to outdoor lights for the walkway. Wedding guests will need to have a clearly defined entrance and exit. Hubby and I are having conversations about using rope lights. Another option is to use the led lights that are typically used along home driveways.

There is no doubt about it. Lights are one of the most versatile inexpensive wedding decorations that are available.

It's a good thing that my daughter has given me a year to plan her wedding. I'm going to need every minute of it.

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