Sunday, May 15, 2011

Where will this traveler retire

Pohick Bay, VA
The other day I was asked a simple question. The person I was speaking with knows about my frequent travels. Based on my travel experiences the person wanted to know where I might choose to retire and why.
A lot of people might be able to answer off the top of their heads. Not me. I want to travel in an RV, see more of the United States and other countries and then settle down. That's not too much to ask is it? All I need is a vehicle that won't wear out, a camera, laptop and internet access. After that, it's going to be time to hit the open road and not look back.

My daughter at the Lincoln Memorial
Sure, there are a few places that I might choose for retirement. DC is one of my favorite cities. I might just pay an online visit to the website of for retirement spots in the areas of north Virginia and D.C.

Then again, I really enjoyed Anchorage too. The Alaska summer suited my asthma and the people there were warm and friendly. I'm not too sure about the winter yet though. Getting to Alaska in early February is definitely on my list.

Alaska glacier
Of course, I've also enjoyed visiting New Orleans, Flagstaff, Boise, Niagara Falls and every place in between. Thinking of all this makes me smile. Maybe it's a good thing that retirement for me is so far in the future?

In fact, I think the open road is calling me now.

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