Monday, June 13, 2011

Budget reading material for summer vacation

Nothing helps pass time better than a good book. Don't forget to take along a good book if you're hitting the open road this summer. They're nice to have when you are sitting by the pool while the kids play or when you're on the beach working on the tan you've always wanted.

If you're like me you want budget reading material for summer travel. Audiobooks are one of my favorite travel accessories for road trips. Technically this isn't reading but the principle is similar.

I remember the time that my family took a cross country road trip. We had a stack of audiobooks that we worked through. An equally tall stack of books were in the car for the motel. Our trip was made more fun because we had these itens.

New books are often out of my price range. McKay's books in Knoxville is one of my favorite places. I can take a stack of books in and get trade credit. This allows me to pick up any item in the store - not just budget summer reading material. Sure, they have books. They also have CDs, DVDs and audiobooks and anything else you would want.

I also have to check out my favorite big box online bookseller. is a good source for discounted new books or used ones. The only downside is waiting a couple of days for the books to arrive in a mailbox near you.

But, there is one big surprise to finding affordable summer reading and audiobooks that really surprised me. Forget the old days when they libraries only carried books. Today it's e-books, DVDs, CDs and almost every kind of media imaginable. This is a great place to get almost anything you want!

The idea of renting books is becoming popular. I've heard of this for college textbooks. If it will save money for my daughters' then it sounds good to me. Now, that same concept it being applied to books. This booksfree review link has the information on renting books for vacation or any time.

Thanks to my netbook I'm looking into e-books more often. Some of these are in the public domain and can be downloaded for free. (Free is my favorite word!) Type in “free ebooks” into your favorite search engine. You may be surprised at what comes up.

It's nice to see so many options when it comes to budget summer reading material and audiobooks. Do you have any suggestions? Share them by leaving a message in the comments field below.  

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