Monday, June 13, 2011

Memories of Father's Day gifts for my grandfather

When I was growing up as a kid I used to love to tag along with my grandfather. It didn't matter much where he was going or what he was going to do. I always wanted to be where the action is.

Grandfather was a radio repair technician. His truck was filled with things that were similar to an SMD Oscillator and the like. Plus all sorts of diodes, wire and other odds and ends. I have many fond memories of his work van and spending time with him. It was always special fun.

The problem of Father's Day gifts came every year. What do you get someone who's life revolves around electronics? This was a challenge. Now that I'm an adult I can see that he probably didn't need some of our Father's Day gifts. He was nice about accepting them just the same.

One of the Father's Day gifts that I got him was a shiny new hammer. The handle had just come off of his old one. This is probably the only gift that I gave him that he actually needed.

We took him out to dinner for a Father's Day gift a couple of times. His restaurant of choice was usually the former Open Kitchen in Knoxville. Although the restaurant is closed the memories remain.

I picked up tools for him a couple of times. It was a challenge to find something that he didn't have. Again, he was nice about accepting his Father's Day gift even though it might be a duplicate (or triplicate) of what he already had.

My grandfather has passed away now. There's something special about a grandfather's healthy love. It's a treasure. Even though I no longer have him I can pass his stories on to my daughters. In that way, he lives on every Father's Day. Perhaps building those memories was the Father's Day gift that he gave to us. 

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