Saturday, August 13, 2011

My daughter's wedding and possible cost cutting ideas

Good news. My daughter and her husband have finally decided to get married in one of the churches that Hubby pastors. She was hoping for a pretty sanctuary, fellowship hall and a place that lends itself well for location shots. One of his churches offers all that.

My daughter and her rescue horse.
If you have ever planned a budget wedding then you know how happy we are. Starting early is giving us time to find items on sale and get the best prices.

It's August already. June may seem like a long time away but in reality we only have 9 paydays to work with. In addition to the regular wedding items we're looking for an unusual wedding gift for the bride. She works on a horse farm and loves it. Equestrian bridles haven't been ruled out as a possibility. (She is aware of this.)

To further cut wedding costs we're going the nontraditional route on a few things. These steps will also let us recycle. Instead of using paper plates we're using mismatched china. Three heirloom sets are already owned. I've purchased more at thrift shops for roughly the same price as heavy disposable wedding plates. This gives each table an eclectic look that works.

Further wedding cost cutting is done by using the church linens. No need to buy or pay a rental and cleaning fee. The church has a punch bowl and an abundance of cups. That's a real cost saver for the wedding.

So far, planning this wedding on a budget has been fun. But, we're still nine paydays away so lots can change. We can only hope it doesn't.

1 comment:

  1. Weddings are wonderfully exciting, and nerve wracking as you try to pull it all together. A good friend of mine did a 100% recycled wedding. She made a list of the decorations she wanted and circulated it to all of her friends to see how much of it people had shoved in corners of her garage (she ended up with all of her white twinkle-lights, candles and many of her centerpieces this way) and then went weekly to Goodwill to find silk flowers and other decorations. She made her wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses with fabric finds on the clearance rack at the craft store... it all ended up being beautiful, amazing, and ended up costing less than 10% of what she had projected for her budget.

    Good luck with your wedding planning!
