Monday, September 05, 2011

Flooding challenges drivers in McMinn Co., TN tonight

Sept. 5, 2011 Flooding challenges drivers in McMinn Co., TN tonight. We've been hit with several inches of rain over the past few days. It's been more than the ground can handle and has resulted in flooding and power outages in McMinn County. School has been canceled for tomorrow.

Hubby and I were out a little earlier this evening. We had to run some errands and decided to grab dinner out. Going out, the flooding had already begun to cover some stretches of pavement. Culverts are having trouble diverting all of the water. There were several more spots where it looked like the flooding in McMinn County, TN would soon be over the road.

Because of the rain and flooding we deviated from our regular route home in favor of one on slightly higher ground. I think it helped us get home safe and sound. There were several spots where we had to drive very cautiously. One of these was when we passed a utility truck with a crew that was hard at work restoring electricity. By some miracle (or as the result of hard work from the crews) our electricity was still on when we got home.

Flooded roadways are always dangerous. The continued rainfall adds to the danger.  Flooding can rise quickly and when that happens sometimes cars don't have a chance. Everyone has seen news footage of people who had to be rescued from their vehicles because of flooding. Don't be a statistic.

The National Hurricane Center and the National Weather Service has information on what to do if you are confronted with a flooded roadway.

Dont drive on flooded roadways. Stay safe.

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