Wednesday, September 07, 2011

It's amazing what you can do with a prefab building these days

My husband received another flier today about metal prefab buildings. It wasn't that long ago that these structures were used exclusively as aircraft shelters. Now you see them almost everywhere these days. I think about this every time I walk into a Sam's Wholesale Club or into a Wal-Mart.

They are sturdy and inexpensive if utilitarian. The buildings can be used to fit almost any need. Other big box retailers use them. They are also popular with schools and churches.

When we lived in North Carolina I had the privilege of speaking in a church. Every church says that they want to reach out to the youth of a community and grow. This church took the prefab building and outreach possibilities to the next level and beyond.

The entire prefab building had been planned from the ground up. A church committee had planned what they wanted the building to become before it had ever been ordered from the manufacturer.
Because the church wanted to use the prefab building as a disaster shelter the building had to conform to a set of specifications. I don't know what the specifications were but I can't see that they forgot any of the details.

About three fourths of the walls in the building were lined in carpet and padding. It turned out that this was to allow the kids to roller skate in the building. A DJ booth on the side wall kept CDs spinning and there was a large stage and altar area in the front.

Even better is the fact that the building served its purpose. When a hurricane came in the church became a disaster shelter. When Friday and Saturday nights roll around the kids use it as a local hangout. It's amazing what you can do with a prefab building these days.

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