Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why I'm staying with Netflix (Qwikster)

Call me nuts if you want but I'm staying with Netflix (Qwikster). Despite all the attention about subscribers dropping like flies the fact is that most of us are staying (for now). I can't speak for how others feel about Netflix but here's why I'm staying...

Cable isn't available in my rural area. Fortunately there is a cell phone carrier that has us covered with service with wireless and internet. It's not great but it gets the job done. Options for movies and TV shows are limited to satellite or plans from Qwikster (formerly Netflix). That's ok but it's also expensive.

I have the 2 DVD unlimited plan from Netflix (now Qwikster). Usually the DVD arrives the second work day after being mailed. The rotation pattern works for us. The cost of $13.10 per month includes tax. The gas cost to the nearest DVD rental store would overcome that amount pretty quickly.

Qwikster / Netflix has an unbeatable selection of DVDs. My family has enjoyed watching old classics like Sargent York and Grapes of Wrath. We've also gotten to see Cirque du Soleil, some TV shows and new releases.

Right now, no one seems to be able to beat what Qwikster has to offer. I've really enjoyed my membership and will stay with Qwikster awhile longer. In fact, the membership has gone over so well for my family that I just purchased a Netflix account for my daughter. She's away at college and can now stream whatever she wants to watch – as long as it doesn't interfere with her grades.  

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