Friday, December 30, 2011

Tips to help you stay sober and safe on New Years Eve

The easiest way to stay sober and safe on New Years Eve is to stay home or attend a non-alcoholic party. Not everyone is willing to do that. If you are to party the old year away this article should be worth reading. There are never any guarantees but these tips may help you stay safe and sober on New Years Eve.

Party in a hotel
If you are traveling for the New Year and are going to drink why not choose a party in a hotel? This may be one of the best ways to stay sober and safe on New Years Eve. I'm always surprised at the number of people who have never considered this option. It's not a budget move but it's a safe move. You may be able to book your tickets for the party and make the hotel reservations in one call.

Host your own party 

To help you stay sober,  E-how suggests hosting your own party on New Years Eve. It's one way to be sure that the event will be alcohol free and fun. Or, if you do have alcohol you will be in control of what kind and how much to have at the party.

Designated Driver
Another time honored suggestion is to have a designated driver to drive you home. A friend gave me a tip that helps her stay sober. Her idea is to have the  designated driver behind the wheel from the beginning of the evening to the last stop at home. She said that she left all of her keys except the one for her house at home. That way she wasn't lured into misjudging her alcohol level on New Years Eve. I haven't heard being hurt coming home from a party so the tip must work. That's why I'm glad to pass it along here.

Call a cab
Calling a cab should work to help you get home safe on New Years Eve. Call the cab company ahead of time to ask for the fare rate from the party to back home. Put that amount of money in a separate part of your billfold so you won't accidentally spend it. Add a note with the cab company information with the cash and you're all set.

Avoid the pressure to drink
New Years Eve is a time when people who don't normally drink can feel pressured to do so. If this is you, try explaining your position to the host or hostess ahead of time. It could be that he or she would be willing to let you bring your favorite non-alcoholic drink to the New Years Eve party. Just be sure to bring plenty for everyone.

Excuses to help you avoid alcohol 
Casa Nuevo Vida suggests preparing your excuses ahead of time. This way you can stay safe and sober on New Years Eve without having to justify why.  Along the same thinking, the article, New Years Eve party excuses that help you stay sober has ideas that may help. Some of the ideas are perfect for avoiding alcohol or declining tactfully.

You are responsible for your own actions. The bottom line for everyone is, if you drink, don't drive. Staying safe and sober this New Years Eve will help ring in many more during the years to come.

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