Monday, February 27, 2012

Barn Quilt book author Suzi Parron visits Athens, TN

Barn quilts are a grass roots phenomenon that has spread across the U.S. and into Canada. Have you ever wondered how they got started? Author Suzi Parron, author of Barn Quilts and the American Quilt Trail can answer that question and lots more.

On April 3, 2012, Suzi Parron is coming to Athens, TN. She will be signing her book, answering questions and debunking some of the myths that surround the Appalachian Quilt Trail.

For example:
Did the quilts began as a way for a woman to honor her mother or with the Amish?
Are quilt squares are on private barns, businesses or nonprofit centers?
Does the 'trail' have a set beginning or ending point?

She is sponsored by the Heritage Quilt Guild The meeting will be at the community room of the Southeast Bank and Trust at 1878 S. Congress Parkway in Athens. There is no fee to members. Non-members who attend will be asked for a $5 donation to support programs offered by the guild.

Come on out, discover the answers to these questions when Suzi Parron visits Athens, TN on April 3. It's at 7:00 pm. I'll be there and hope that you will be too.

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