Friday, February 03, 2012

Logans Roadhouse in Cleveland, TN; Youve Been Reviewed

Hubby and I rarely have time off together. Our fun date lunch at the Logan's Roadhouse in Cleveland, Tennessee; was just what we needed to escape. (Or more accurately, he escaped while I wrote this post for You've Been Reviewed.)

Logan's Roadhouse interior
Logan's Roadhouse is the kind of steakhouse that I like. You can dress anyway you want as long as it is casual or business casual.

Country music or light rock blares from the jukebox. The hardwood tables and seats are just right for you to sit back and relax.

Small buckets of peanuts are on the table. Peel them apart and throw the hulls on the floor at Logan's Roadhouse. Mama's not looking. If she is, then she's probably throwing the husks on the floor too so don't worry about it.

I was on the phone when we were seated at Logan's Roadhouse. Hubby ordered iced teas and an appetizer. He passed on returning my favor from Uncle Buck's Grill in Kodak. Drinks, peanuts and buttery homemade rolls hit the table as I slid into the booth. The mushrooms arrived just as we finished ordering.

Dating makes you want to splurge so we did. Hubby ordered the chopped steak with homemade chips and sauteed mushrooms.
My meal was a small sirloin, baked potato and grilled mushrooms. My steak was undercooked on our previous visit and almost charcoal after the re-cook. I was a little concerned about history repeating itself and spoke with the server before ordering. He promised that this steak at Logan's Roadhouse would be good and  he proved to be a man of his word. It was on the red side of pink but very juicy and savory.

I ordered the plain baked potato over the jazzed up variety. It tasted okay but had that mild rubbery texture that comes from sitting a little too long. However, if the potato was lacking the skewer of grilled mushrooms made up for it.

Logan's Roadhouse has outdone themselves with this side item. These were the best part of the meal. The 'shrooms picked up enough of the chargrilled flavor to taste good but weren't on the grill long enough to dry out. The hardy smoked flavor worked well. This is going to be a repeat side dish for me.

Hubby enjoyed his meal as much as I did mine. His chopped steak was hidden beneath a pile of sauteed onions. The homemade chips looked good but the mushrooms were mixed with onions. He said it was good so we'll take his word for it.

Lunch at Logan's Roadhouse cost about $35. We planned to use a $5 coupon but it was forgotten when it time to settle up.  That's not all bad. I now have an excuse to schedule another date sometime soon.

More on You've Been Reviewed
Agean Mediterran Grill: Good lunch-great price
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