Monday, February 13, 2012

Two cool ways to ask a girl to prom

Prom season means fun, beautiful clothing and a wonderful date. First, you have to ask the right person to go with you and then you have to ask. For a lot of guys that means finding the right way to ask a girl to the prom. It's an intense time and there can be a lot of pressure to do it right. Here are a couple of cool ways that you can ask a girl to prom.

You can take a page out of one guy's book and write the prom invitation on asphalt. This guy bought some sidewalk chalk and left the message in the parking lot of where his potential date was employed. He went to a lot of trouble to draw arrows to her car. Then, he wrote the question to ask her to the prom in huge letters. It was a cute idea that won her heart. Just be sure to be sure that it is okay with her boss first.

There isn't a girl anywhere that wouldn't love a bouquet of flowers. Pick up a bouquet and tie a note to them. Leave them on her doorstep when you know that she is home. Then, call her and ask her to come to the door. She will get the flowers and your note. Who could resist that? It's a cool way to ask a girl to prom and make her feel extra special at the same time.

To complete the prom experience all you need is a tuxedo (or suit), corsage and that perfect romantic restaurant. Here's wishing you and your girl lots of fun on your magical night.

Prom invitation written on asphalt 

1 comment:

  1. I gave my gf a rose with a note and she liked it.
