Thursday, February 16, 2012

You need a Disney travel agent; Here are three reasons why

I love getting questions from my blog readers so please keep them coming! Yesterday, I was asked if you need a Disney travel agent. In my opinion, the answer is yes. The AAA agent that we use has been invaluable. Here are three reasons why you need a Disney travel agent.

Get your questions answered.
Booking the vacation can be confusing. You may find that you have more questions than you can get answered. Can you find cheap Disney packages? Should you stay on the property? How do you get a refrigerator? You need a Disney travel agent so you can get those answers.

Our Disney travel agent gave us tips that made the vacation even more fun. She was able to tell us about Wishes in the Magic Kingdom and gave us lots of information. Without her, we would never have known about the 'magical' anniversary buttons.

Someone to call, if something goes wrong
You need a Disney travel agent in case something goes wrong. We found out how helpful a Disney travel agent could be when it looked like illness would force us home early from vacation. A lot of money went into booking the vacation and we didn't want to lose it. I called our travel agent and asked what to do if that happened.

When I called our Disney travel agent she said not to worry. If we had to leave she was willing to rebook the vacation based on dates that I gave her. She also said that she would take care of making reservations for the trip home and would help us file with the trip insurance.

So yes, you do need a Disney travel agent. It doesn't cost anything and they can be a huge help. Ours gave us peace of mind so we could be unchaperoned adults at the Magic Kingdom.

How to survive Walt Disney World with whiny teens
Why we went to Walt Disney World without the kids

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