Friday, March 09, 2012

Mesothelioma travel tips

It was about this time last year that I wrote about medical travel with Mesothelioma. Since then, I've had a few comments and wanted to follow up. First of all, there are many reasons why someone might need to travel  despite mesothelioma, asthma, diabetes or any other chronic illness. Until the disease reaches a certain stage (different for everyone) many people can travel safely - if they do some homework and use common sense.

The first thing that anyone with a chronic disease like mesothelioma must do is see a doctor before going on vacation.  He or she can discuss possible treatment options is if something goes wrong you will know what to do. I have asthma, diabetes and some other health challenges. A visit to the doctor has been invaluable. Having a plan and knowing what treatment options are available gives an immeasurable amount of comfort. It is also physically necessary.

Taking the vacation or traveling with someone is as important as carrying a fully charged cell phone. If you have mesothelioma, asthma or any other health problem something more may be required. It may be worth looking into a SPOT GPS or similar product.

A few more tips are covered in my earlier article (linked above). Take your time, do some homework with your doctor about your vacation, the route and treatment options for mesothelioma in case something goes wrong. Use common sense and you may find that enjoyable travel is possible.

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