Saturday, October 06, 2012

Check local Knoxville newspapers for travel deals

When friends who live near me ask about travel deals I often tell them to check local Knoxville newspapers. While it is possible to find discounts online, local places often run coupons or promotions in print media. The only way that you can find these deals is to pick up a local Knoxville newspaper and go through it thoroughly.
Don't just read the classified ads. Flip through all of the pages. Restaurant, hotel and travel coupons can be found in almost any section of the paper. While you are looking at the newspaper, keep your eyes open for discounts on needs that are related to your trip. Oil changes and tire promotions can help you save on pre-trip car maintenance before you leave Knoxville.
You do not have to spend a lot of money on the papers. Weekday editions are less expensive than Sunday editions. Plus, several Knoxville newspapers are available for free. These can be picked up at convenience stores, restaurants and even used bookstores. Here is a brief rundown of several titles and some tips on where to look.
The Knoxville News-Sentinel This is the one that everyone is familiar with. It's widely available throughout town. Look for it in grocery stores, outside stands, convenience stores, gas stations and... Well, you get the message.
Metro Pulse If you want a paper that literally has its fingers on the pulse of the city, then this one is for you. This local Knoxville newspaper is the go-to source for events, entertainment. Plays, festivals, restaurants and almost any thing that you can imagine for nightlife will usually be in the Metro Pulse. Look for this free paper at grocery stores, bookstores and area restaurants.
Daily Beacon Look no further than the Daily Beacon by the University of Tennessee for all things related to U.T.

This local Knoxville newspaper can be light on coupons but strong on promotions. (After all, it caters to broke college students.) This local paper is great for finding deals and restaurant promotions, university plays that may not be covered elsewhere. It's free. Look for it in businesses around the U.T. campus and the bookstore.
The Knoxville Journal This is one of the oldest papers in Knoxville. It's available at grocery and convenience stores and in some outside stands. It's not a local newpaper that is heavy on deals but it does usually have several listings for area events.
Knoxville Knox County Focus Local events are usually well covered in this free newspaper. It can be a good source for local promotions and events. It is distributed by request. An online link shows where to pick up this free local paper.
The next time you start planning a trip, try looking at local Knoxville newspapers. You might just be surprised at the travel deals that you can find.

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