Friday, August 01, 2014

Travel article migration

I will be migrating travel articles here from another site over the next few months. No journey is quick and this is no exception. If you are used to seeing my reviews or road trip articles on the other site, then please bear with me. Transferring all the travel articles over may even take a year or more.

A little spit and polish will get the old pieces road worthy once again. We'll be creating playlists for cross country travel, pick up hot tips on surviving road trips with kids (or grandparents) and putting together some great itineraries.

It won't happen overnight.

My reviews and travel pieces from the Yahoo Contributor Network will be here on You've Been Reviewed as soon as they are relevant.

No one wants to read about fall foliage road trips in the spring or about snow skiing in the summer. Similarly, articles on kids and summer vacations aren't going to be relevant during the Christmas travel season.Travel articles will migrate as they become seasonally relevant.

Life is about change and this a small detour around a rough road. Let's face it. There's no way to know where the road will carry us. A blog is created by traveling one mile at a time. Thanks for going on the trip with me. Sit down and buckle up. The next leg of our adventure is upon us! I look forward to taking this new journey together.

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