Saturday, August 02, 2014

What is a van camper

What is a van camper is a question that I'm getting lately. It's reasonable. We purchased the van back in May with plans for a camper conversion. I need a small RV that's easy to drive instead of a big motorhome. If you say that the step is unusual for our area, then you are right. A van camper isn't something that sitting in every driveway. But soon it will be sitting in ours.

Our van camper to be.
So what is a van camper? (They're also called camper van or campervan.)

They are essentially a Class B RV. There is space up front for a driver and passenger. The cavernous space inside is being converted to a living space. We have temporarily added a futon and a seat belt for an extra passenger. A permanent bed is to come later.

Right now the van camper has hanging bags for storage instead of cabinets. Permanent ones will be installed later. Our concentration up to this point has been to add the insulation, paneling, air conditioner vent and lighting.

Our dog snoozing in the van camper.
When complete, the van camper will be a livable RV
with most of the comforts of home. It will have a small bathroom, kitchen and living space. Hubby and I will be able to relax and see the world from the comfort of our home on wheels.

What the van camper won't have is an ironing board and iron. The keyword here is relax. Who wants to iron when they can see the country? Not me.

Besides, that clunking ironing board might interrupt the Tomlin's nap.We can't let that happen now can we?