Wednesday, July 08, 2015

'See Rock City'

If you have been in the south you most likely have seen signs that say, “See Rock City”.  You might find those same words painted on the side of a barn or on a billboard along the highway.  More often than not you will read those words on birdhouses. 

The Rock City bird houses can be spotted hanging from front porches or from trees or   they can also be used as a table-top decoration.  I have seen more of them than I can count in my 14 years living in Tennessee.

Just in case you aren’t familiar with Rock City let me tell you just a little about it...It is an attraction at the top of Lookout Mountain, Georgia, which is about 1,700 feet above sea level.  Some people get confused since it is on the Georgia/Tennessee boarder they assume it is in Tennessee.  Rock City is really a bunch of very big rocks with a winding, twisting path that leads visitors to the top of Lookout Mountain for the most amazing views in the state.

When I was a kid we took a road trip from New Jersey to Louisiana and naturally we stopped at Rock City.  I have home movies of it someplace, especially Fairyland with all the German gnomes.  It is quite a sight for the little ones to see and adults enjoy it also.

From the very top you will find the flags of the seven states that are visible which include:  Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Kentucky.  Granted if you could really see that far it would have to be the highest peaks in those state or else you have to have super human eyesight!  Be sure to have your camera handy you don’t want to miss a shot.  I think everyone who has visited this spot over the years has captured these same images over and over again. 

As you wind your way back down to flat ground the path leads you directly to the gift shop.  Once inside you will see the official “See Rock City” birdhouses.  I bought mine there but you can also order online.
My husband and Abby at the top of Rock City

Dogs are welcome to tag alone on your climb up Rock City.  As you can see in the photos my husband, myself and Abby our yellow lab took that climb back in 2005.  Abby actually pulled my husband most of the way and we still say his left arm is at least 8 inches longer than his right arm! Dogs are welcome, but please keep Fido or Princess on a leash at all times during your visit.

If you find yourself in the Chattanooga, TN or North Georgia area – follow the signs to Rock City and be amazed!

To learn more about Rock City including ticket information - click on this *Rock City Link*.

See 7 States from the top!

Photos belong to AbbyG

1 comment:

  1. Apparently Rock City has been an attraction for multiple decades. I was born and raised in the south and every family road trip through the countryside we spotted the infamous "See Rock City" painted on sides and roofs of barns. Many even then (over 50 years ago) looked like they were painted on these structures years and years before. Now living in TN for 14 years I pass by the exit off the interstate every time I drive back to FL. Its one of the many attractions that we have never stopped to see. Guess coming from a tourist town, tourist attractions rarely lure us in. But the painted signs definitely always got our attention on those long drives on family vacations.
