Wednesday, August 26, 2015

It is County Fair Time in Meigs County, Tennessee

The Meigs County Fair is quickly approaching.  The gates open at 5:00 pm, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday – September 9th, 10th and 11th and on Saturday September 12th the gates open at 3:00 pm.    
Welcome to the Fair!

If you plan to attend the Meigs County Fair you will be pleased to know that there is no admission fee.  If you want the little ones to go on the rides you will have to buy tickets at the booth near the rides.

The Fair Grounds in Meigs County are located near the Meigs County Elementary School in Decatur.  There will be signs on Hwy. 58 in Decatur indicating where to turn.  Decatur isn’t very big so you can’t miss it!

Last year my husband and I both had entries in the canning venue.  I also entered 6 photographs.  I didn’t win a prize for the photos but two of them did make it to the display board.  It was a lot of fun looking at all the photos and we have some talented photographers in our little county.  My photo of Miss Ruby in her floatie made it to the board!

My husband, at my urging, entered a quart of his famous pickled green tomatoes.  I entered a pint of my not so famous stewed tomatoes.  It was a quick process to get the items entered which was good because it was very hot that day.

The following day we went as soon as the fair opened to see if we had won.  My husband almost fell over when we spotted his pickled green tomatoes with a first place blue ribbon!  I was also jumping for joy when I realized my stewed tomatoes won a second place and the jar was sporting a red ribbon.

Pickled Green 'Maters!

It was very exciting for a former city girl to win a ribbon at a county fair!  I was so excited I didn’t realize we were to pick up our checks the day we picked up our items.  We had to go hunting for them weeks later. 

Last year it was very hot and humid during the Fair, be prepared for that.  Dress in cool clothing and be sure to stay hydrated.  Check out all the winning entries and other festivities!  Enjoy yourself at the Meigs County Fair.  Maybe we’ll see you there!

Photos belong to AbbyG


  1. What a wonderful surprise to be winners at the Fair! As times progress it must be harder and harder for small town fair organizers to continue producing these types of events. They are to be commended for offering the event with no admission fee. For folks who have never attended a 'home town' fair, they are missing out on some of the real flavor of small communities. In addition to the wonderful homemade goods its impressive to see what Future Farmers of America youngsters have accomplished in raising livestock. You also get a glimpse of local talent like photographers and artist. Its a perfect time to support local groups who have food booths to raise money for their organizations. The rides, well some of them I can do without but they are thoroughly enjoyed by the younger more adventurous folks. I'll stick to the ones closest to the ground! So my suggestion is for everyone to put this on their calendar and get out there and enjoy some local flavor.

  2. Thank you for you nice comments. The fair used to have admission fee, but several of the locals have donated the money to pay the admissions for one and all. They want everyone to be able to enjoy the Meigs County Fair.

  3. Cute doggy! Congratulations on all the ribbons at the fair!
    And thanks for visiting Fad to the Bone: Dog Products Revue

  4. Great job on the ribbons! It's a shame about the photos though. Clearly Ruby and the floatie should have taken a prize. :)
