Thursday, June 25, 2009

Alaska Halibut, Salmon and Moose. Oh my!

Dinner last night was the highlight of our Alaska trip so far. The church hosted our mission team to a pot luck dinner. All of the dishes were Alaskan. There were moose meatballs, halibut pie, smoked salmon, reindeer sausage (caribou) and lots more. Salads were made from greens plucked from the parishoner's garden.

We got to talk with the church members and made new friends. I was surprised at how many people are transplants to Alaska. It was a great experience.

After the dinner, the missions leader at Willow UMC gave us gifts. Alaska celebrates 50 years of statehood. We were given pins and pens to commemorate the celebration. The church also gave us t-shirts from the Willow Winter Carnival.

It was odd to be a recipient and have nothing to give in a return. These people are so generous. Working on their parsonage seems to be a very small gift to give them.

1 comment:

  1. yeah! fixing to go read about your trip.

    i was at wmu the other day and i told the ladies about you. they wanted more info.. ..wanting to know if you had anything printed that they could copy and look at.

    also wondering what types of things you all need? other than prayer, of course.

    i have a bag to bring over there as well!

    hope you are receiving lots of blessings!
