Monday, July 06, 2009

St Mary, Montana

I’m sitting in St. Mary, Montana on the front steps of the Johnson’s RV Park and Campground. The view is beautiful but the sky is overcast. I'm doing laundry and surfing the internet while Hubby and Allie pack up the tent.

The internet connection is slow right now. It gave me the chance to talk with a gentleman. He and his wife travel around the continent in their RV. They are both retired and want to enjoy life. Their home is their camper and their address is their daughter’s.

Hubby and I have talked about trying this nomadic lifestyle in the future. It sounds appealing. I would love to be able to explore more of the US and meet people. On the downside missing holidays, birthdays and other life events would be hard. Still, the pull of the open road calls to me. Who knows what the future holds?

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